domenica 8 dicembre 2013


The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Happy birthday to Gian Lorenzo Bernini, born on this day in 1598. Forging a path for future artists, he played an instrumental role in establishing the dramatic and eloquent vocabulary of the Baroque style. http://

Gian Lorenzo Bernini (Italian, 1598–1680) | Bacchanal: A Faun Teased by Children | ca. 1616–17
Foto: Happy birthday to Gian Lorenzo Bernini, born on this day in 1598. Forging a path for future artists, he played an instrumental role in establishing the dramatic and eloquent vocabulary of the Baroque style. 

Gian Lorenzo Bernini (Italian, 1598–1680) | Bacchanal: A Faun Teased by Children | ca. 1616–17

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